Main page Events
All competitions, presentations and meetings dedicated to the field of artificial intelligence.
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Meet up Registration is open
Join the new artificial intelligence meet up from the AI-Academy! The meet up program includes 5 lectures that will allow you to smoothly familiarize yourself with the key areas of development of AI and machine learning.
Marathon Finished
Create your own gaming bot from nothing.
Contest Finished
Hold a «Digital Lesson» in your school and win memorable gifts.
Educational event Finished
On September 20, 2023, an open lesson “Artificial Intelligence in Industries” will be held at the Technograd Innovation and Educational Complex as part of the All-Russian educational campaign “Digital Lesson".
Educational event Finished
Find out how artificial intelligence is changing traditional sectors of the economy - medicine, agriculture, manufacturing, transport, construction, as well as what professions will be relevant in the near future. Watch the video, complete the simulator and receive a certificate for successful completion.
Hackaton Finished
If you want to not only relax in nature, but also help it, join us!
Online intensive Finished
Traditional summer online intensive course on artificial intelligence from the AI-Academy and the NTI Club Movement, which helps you go from the basics of programming in Python to building neural networks in a month!
Educational event Finished

From March 13 to 19, join the Week of High-tech and Technopreneurship!

This is a large-scale network project that every year brings together hundreds of schools with representatives of modern science and high-tech business.

Here cool speakers talk about modern Russian developments in the field of high technology, nuclear energy and space.

Hackathon Finished
Take part in the final hackathon of this year. You have to develop an algorithm that generates a text description for a video.
Register and try your hand!
Conference Finished
Take part in the key event in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning - AI Journey 2022! Join the broadcast with top speakers and learn about current developments and achievements in the world of AI.
Project organizer: Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”, OGRN 1157700017518
The Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren is not an educational service subject to licensing and does not imply the issuance of a state certificate
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For schoolchildren, teachers and parents