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Main About us
of Artificial Intelligence for schoolchildren
All-Russian educational project implemented by the β€œInvestment to the Future” charitable foundation with the support of Sber since 2018
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Project goal:
Forming interest and developing applied skills in schoolchildren in the field of artificial intelligence.
It is worth learning
AI technologies become an important part of our life and changing it. Specialists are predicting that AI developing creates millions of jobs and understanding of AI and possibilities of their using become one of the most important parts for starting career in most of professions. That is why knowledge in the field of AI and opportunities to develop skills in it should be available to every modern schoolchild.
β€œOver the course of several years, we have managed to create an effective system for working with young talents in the field of AI and machine learning. AI Academy let the schoolchildren to have an interesting way from first meeting with AI to participating in Olympiad and and possibility to get an internship in Sber. Children in Academy get a practical experience in solving real business problems using imagination, flexibility of thinking, non-standard approaches and do it no worse than adult data-scientists.”
Project results:
6 000 000+
schoolchildren learned about AI possibilities
30 000+
registrations on project’s online-courses
27 000+
competition participants of AI Academy
Awards @
Gold on International Festival Silver Mercury XX2
Technological breakthrough 2021
Experts of academy
Denis Dimitrov
Executive Director for Data Research, Sber AI
Scientific consultant at the AIRI Institute of Artificial Intelligence
Graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Since 2020, he has been leading scientific and engineering research in the field of computer vision, multimodal learning and generative artificial intelligence.
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Andrey Kuznetsov
PhD in Technical Science
Executive director of data science, Sber AI
In 2021 managed a team of Samara University in collaboration with Sber AI, SberDevices and AIRI within the ruDALL-E project
More than 60 publications in scientific journals and theses of international conferences, indexed by Scopus and Web of Science (H-index – 11)
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Maria Tikhonova
Senior Data Scientist, SberDevices, Sber
Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science in National Research University Higher School of Economics
Data science course director, OTUS
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Ksenia Kuznetsova
Head of department, Sber AI
Head of department of info communicational technologies in the institute of computer science, NUST MISIS
Member of the Youth Affairs Committee of the Moscow Public Chamber
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Vladimir Vasilyev
Head of LegalTech Tribe Data Research, Sber
Sber youth accelerator AI-startup mentor
Academic director of the first Russian online NLP magistracy
Master of Science in Computer Science – University of Warwick
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Alexander Nekhaenko
ML Engineer, PJSC Sberbank
Master’s degree, Faculty of Computer Science in National Research University Higher School of Economics, Data Science
Sber youth accelerator AI-startup mentor
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Andrey Semenishen
Graduate of the Moscow Institute of Electronic and Math, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Sber youth accelerator AI-startup mentor
Developer of Russian neurochip systems SOTA
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Become an academy partner

AI Academy opens to cooperation with anyone who shares the goals of the project. We can:

  • Share the expertise
  • Organize the union educational projects for schoolchildren and teachers
  • Hold the AI competitions for schoolchildren
  • Help to start AI Clubs based on educational organizations
  • And much more

If you see an opportunity for cooperation, contact us.

Contact us
Project organizer: Charitable Foundation β€œInvestment to the Future”, OGRN 1157700017518
The Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren is not an educational service subject to licensing and does not imply the issuance of a state certificate
Our social networks
Do you have any questions or suggestions?
For schoolchildren, teachers and parents
Β© 2018– 2024 Β«AI-ACADEMYΒ»