Main page Schoolchildren Introductory lessons
Introductory lessons
Lessons for those who have just discovered the field of AI. Here you will learn what artificial intelligence is, gradually immerse yourself in the topic of machine learning and programming, and get acquainted with basic algorithms.
How artificial intelligence is changing our lives and various sectors of the economy right now, as well as what professions will be relevant in the near future.
Find out what artificial intelligence is today, how it appeared, where it is used and what it can do now.
Master the main language for data analysis and machine learning! The lesson contains everything you need to build models and solve problems yourself.
Go through all the stages of creating an AI algorithm using a self-driving car as an example and learn more about the Data Scientist profession.
Find out how artificial intelligence is already helping people in various professions and try to create a smart assistant for a teacher.
Get acquainted with different artificial intelligence technologies, find out what problems they solve and try yourself as an entrepreneur!
What is in the brains of artificial intelligence, how machine learning works and how to start building neural networks yourself.
Project organizer: Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”, OGRN 1157700017518
The Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren is not an educational service subject to licensing and does not imply the issuance of a state certificate
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