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@ Start
an Artificial
Intelligence Club @
With the support of the Academy of Artificial Intelligence for schoolchildren, experts from the MIPT Physics and Technology School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics and the Physics and Technology Schools Development Fund
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About the AI Start project

The project was launched in 2022 to help educators launch AI technology clubs. In the first year, more than 300 applications were received from 65 regions of Russia, and a year later their number doubled.

As part of the project, teachers are trained in a professional development course with the issuance of a standard certificate from Moscow State Pedagogical University, a program for the circle classes and all the necessary materials for their implementation (methodological recommendations, presentations, practical tasks), information, expert and methodological support during the implementation of circle activities are provided , as well as the opportunity to receive grant support.

Teachers participating in the project will undergo training in the advanced training course “Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Methods of Teaching in Basic and High School” (72 academic hours) with the issuance of a standard certificate from Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Finished materials
Project participants will receive a program for the club’s classes and all materials for their implementation: methodological recommendations, presentations and notes, practical assignments.
Expert support and community of educators
Project participants can exchange experiences in a general chat, ask questions to experts at MIPT and the AI Academy for schoolchildren, and take part in closed events for teachers.
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To participate, a teacher or a responsible person from an educational organization must fill out an application on the project website.

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Signing the agreement

The agreement fixes the organization’s obligations to launch the club, appoints teachers who are enrolled in advanced training courses, and also transfers the right to use educational materials within the project.

Teacher training
72 hours

Teachers who have completed their training and passed the qualifying work will receive a standard certificate from Moscow State Pedagogical University.

The course program includes blocks:
methods for forming basic concepts in middle and high school
Python programming
data analysis and machine learning
neural networks
natural language processing
a lot of theoretical and practical materials to prepare for the launch of a circle based on the project materials
Program structure.pdf
Starting a club

Teachers who complete the course will be provided with all the necessary materials to launch the club from September 2024, as well as information support for recruiting the first students.

Program structure.pdf

Grant competition for teachers

Teachers who have launched an AI club will be able to take part in a grant competition, within which the results of the club’s work will be assessed. Detailed information about the grant competition will be sent to project participants additionally.

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Take part in the program and start an artificial intelligence club
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Is it free?
Teacher training, educational materials and expert support are provided absolutely free.
Who can become a participant?
Teachers and organizations of general and additional education interested in implementing artificial intelligence clubs for schoolchildren are invited to participate.
Is this only for Moscow?
No, teachers and educational organizations from all over Russia can take part in the project. Teacher training will take place online, as will the transfer of educational materials.
Is it possible to start a circle without going through the PDA?
If you have a specialized education or similar advanced training courses, as well as experience in implementing clubs on similar topics.
Is it necessary to sign a contract?
Yes, without it we will not be able to legally transfer you the right to use educational materials, or enroll you in a continuing education course.
Project organizer: Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”, OGRN 1157700017518
The Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren is not an educational service subject to licensing and does not imply the issuance of a state certificate
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For schoolchildren, teachers and parents