Learn Git and Docker
AI Academy

Welcome to the Git and GitHub course for anyone who wants to explore the world of version control and collaborative development! We'll teach you how to track every change in your code and file system so you never lose your creative ideas and insights.

What will we learn on the course?
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Git Mastery
Master a professional tool to effectively work on projects in a team and manage code versions.
How to work in a team
Learn to merge changes and create pull requests.
Why version control is useful in machine learning
Discover how Git is useful for managing models and data in the world of machine learning.
What are "containers"
Learn how to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight, independent entities for easier work.
How to work with Docker
Master Docker, the tool of choice for developers and DevOps professionals to create, run, and manage containers.
What awaits you?
Inspiring Lessons
Each lesson explains Git and Docker concepts step-by-step, from the basics to advanced topics.
Specialization in Machine Learning
We'll show anyone interested in machine learning how to integrate Git into the process of working with data and models.
Practice and projects
Knowledge can be immediately applied in practice in non-standard tasks.
Clear instructions
The course includes instructor videos and detailed command descriptions so that everyone can easily learn the material.
Real world application
You'll learn how Docker is used in modern development, DevOps, and cloud computing.
Block 1. Git
Block 2. Docker
Total time – 2 hours
10 minutes Introduction
5 minutes History of appearance
Module 1
15 minutes Lesson 1: Installing Git
15 minutes Lesson 2. Repository and its states
20 minutes Lesson 3. Initialization
15 minutes Lesson 4. Advanced commands
Module 2
10 minutes Lesson 1. Remote repositories
15 minutes Lesson 2. Pull request
20 minutes Lesson 3. Merging branches
Total time – 2 hours
5 minutes The emergence of Docker and its advantages
Module 1
15 minutes Lesson 1. Installing Docker on your computer
10 minutes Lesson 2. Containerization Basics
20 minutes Lesson 3. Creating and launching your first container
Module 2
20 minutes Lesson 1. What is a Dockerfile and how to eat it
30 minutes Lesson 2: Advanced dockerfile commands
Last words in the know
Project organizer: Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”, OGRN 1157700017518
The Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren is not an educational service subject to licensing and does not imply the issuance of a state certificate
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