Main page Teachers Materials for teachers AI Day in the Far East
AI Day
in the Far East

In the first part of the lesson, students will meet with cases of using AI that are relevant for the Far East and the principles of operation of the technology. In the second, they will understand the concept of technological entrepreneurship in practice, go through the main stages of startup development and learn where to look for ideas for them and support for implementation.

Before conducting the lesson, we recommend that you read the instructions

Lesson for grades 1-4

The set of materials includes a video, lesson notes, supporting presentation, methodological recommendations, materials for game tasks and keys to them.

Lesson for grades 5-9

The set of materials includes a video, lesson notes, supporting presentation, methodological recommendations, materials for game tasks and keys to them.

Lesson for grades 10-11

The set of materials includes a video, lesson notes, supporting presentation, methodological recommendations, materials for game tasks and keys to them.

Project organizer: Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”, OGRN 1157700017518
The Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren is not an educational service subject to licensing and does not imply the issuance of a state certificate
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