Main page Parents Materials for lessons with your children Artificial Intelligence in Education
in Education
The lesson will help you learn how artificial intelligence helps a person increase productivity and reduce routine so that there is more time for interesting tasks. Your child will be able to try himself in the role of a real data scientist and create a smart assistant for the teacher!
First, watch a short video with your child; he will tell you what artificial intelligence is and how it works? Who are “digital centaurs”? How are AI technologies changing traditional professions now?
Invite your child to go through the simulator:
  • If necessary, help your child choose the level of the simulator.
  • If your child is in elementary school, help him with reading dialogues in the simulator.
  • Discuss possible difficulties together and help your child cope with the task if necessary.
Recommended for schoolchildren in grades 1–4
Recommended for schoolchildren in grades 5-8
Recommended for schoolchildren in grades 9-11
Solidify knowledge
What can and cannot artificial intelligence do yet?
What artificial intelligence will probably never be able to do?
How much of a teacher's job can a digital assistant take on, and how much can only a human do?
Why is AI smarter and more efficient than humans in some areas?
How to create a digital assistant?

Project organizer: Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”, OGRN 1157700017518
The Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren is not an educational service subject to licensing and does not imply the issuance of a state certificate
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For schoolchildren, teachers and parents